Tito Davis

I work in an elementary school and read and write lots of Science Fiction and Fantasy in my spare time. I love my students and because of that, despite studying physics and computer science in college, will be in schools forever.

I also studied, though in a more minor capacity, creative writing and literature, and dream of one day being published. I have two completed short stories and have one more in the works, and a completed screenplay. I try to make my stories strongly based in themes and emotions rather than plot. Lately I have been working on a sci-fi novel that I have been working on, in pieces, for years. I also recently have begun trying my hand at some creative nonfiction, the first attempt being about the grief of losing contact with students that needed me.

I haven't been able to get published in any short story magazines, so I've decided to just publish my work here.

I enjoy being outdoors, playing and watching sports, and of course, a good book. I like to travel, but only if I can stay a while. I've spent two months in Portugal and a year in Israel. I appreciate art in all forms from my tattoos to the art I hang in my room. Above all I love my family and friends, without whom I am nothing.